What is prostatitis - the first signs, symptoms, treatment

The prostate can say that one of the major organs of the reproductive system of men. The prostate is a small, about the size of a walnut, iron, which is found around the urethra. The main function of this organ consists in the production of liquid, the juice of the prostate, which takes active participation in the formation of sperm and gives sperma mobility.


The inflammation of the prostate

According to the who, one third of the male population diagnosed with disorders on the functioning of the prostate, with consequent complications. Prostatitis is a disease endocrine of the authority, which is characterized by the medicine such as inflammation of the prostate, which has arisen as a result of the defeat of the tissues by bacteria or viruses. In addition, without a pathology, which can develop on the background of inflammation of seed bubbles, appendices of the prostate gland or disorders of urination.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Conditional of the disease of the prostate accepted divided into several categories: bacterial, chronic non-bacterial. In the first two cases of violation of the prostate begin by the fact that in the body to penetrate bacteria. Acute bacterial form of prostatitis is accompanied by fever, severe pains in inguinal in the part of the belly and the crotch, spasms in the lower part of the abdomen. Acquired the man begins to often go to the bathroom, and sometimes together with the urine out drops of blood.

Non-bacterial prostatitis source appears as a form of steam prostate syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, and the rest of the symptoms can be completely absent. Chronic prostatitis symptoms in men are expressed in the pain when urinating, groin, or absence of a disorder of the sexual function. A feature of this form of prostatitis in the fact that the greater part of the time is asymptomatic.

It is worth noting that the characteristics of how it manifests prostatitis, cannot be characterized as permanent. Because each agency is different from the other signs may be absent and the disease of escape of the different categories of the men to his way. Sometimes prostatitis begins with abrupt changes of the manifestations of the inflammatory process – then says in a severe manner. If the disease is concerned only once in a while, then, it is likely that chronic phase of the inflammation of the prostate.

The cause of prostatitis

To a risk group of this pathology can be a lot of different categories of citizens, but the majority of prostatitis progresses in those who:

  • many feel, and little moving;
  • prefer the imbalance of healthy eating;
  • can not get rid of the addiction to drinking or consumption of tobacco of tobacco;
  • often supercooled;
  • you do not have a permanent sexual partner;
  • often refuses to have sex.

However, even this is not a complete list of what is prostatitis. The doctors say that receive the inflammation of the prostate can even almost healthy men, in this case, all to often blamed to reduce fatigue, stress, bad environment. Often progresses after surgical intervention, the strong injury or other injury of the genitals. In any case, when prompted, even the slightest suspicion of prostatitis, worth immediately visit an urologist.

Chronic prostatitis

symptoms of prostatitis

The manifestations of the recurrent forms of the disease are diverse. Some of the men is abstinence from sexual intercourse, the frequent urge on the toilet, itching or burning sensation in the urethra, or pain in the groin. When this in the other category of patients can experience these symptoms only from time to time. It is much more common in functional characteristics of chronic prostatitis, which are subdivided into three subgroups:

  • painful and frequent urge in the toilet, delay of urination, the appearance of blood in the sputum, swelling in the groin, diarrhea;
  • the feeling of pressure in the anus during ejaculation, the absence or weakness of erection, loss of sexual desire, loss of acuity of an orgasm;
  • the anxiety, the fatigue, the depression, the frequent nervous breakdowns and stress.

Recurring prostatitis without proper treatment can offer you not only a lot of problems, but with serious consequences: adenoma, abscess, and cancer of the prostate. Continue the chronic inflammation of the prostate can be indefinite, but for the prostatitis never is monotonous. Acute, sometimes intense, attacks alternate between periods of relative calm.

Catarrhal prostatitis

Acute or parenchymatous prostatitis in men often occurs due to a weakening of the immunity, or if the water penetrates inside the body of the infection. When this catarrhal form of the disease may develop even after regular sore throat, acute respiratory infections and a heavy attack of coughing. Germs, bacteria and other microflora pathogenic, along with lymph enters the prostate, where it initiates the inflammatory processes. The first symptoms of prostatitis in men, in general, a feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the belly and a slight increase of the temperature.

When conducting a survey, the doctor may notice and others that are specific for the catarrhal form of symptoms. For example:

  • if the inspection reveals a slight inflammation of the prostate, the procedure for the patient is very painful;
  • the analysis of the secretion of the prostate will establish the allocation of an increased number of white blood cells;
  • in the ultrasound are visible purulent of the components, the occlusion is total or partial, of a narrowing of the conduits through which urine passes.

The diagnosis of prostatitis

Thanks to the turmoil and the pervasive advertising of today, even the students get to know not only about the symptoms, but also how to treat the prostate. However, the absence of indicators that not only to choose the medications, but also to timely diagnosis. The best way to prevent inflammation, often come to the clinic. Therefore, often the diagnosis of prostatitis is made when the examination with the urologist.

If you have complaints experienced by the doctor may suspect inflammation of the prostate and to assign the corresponding analysis, among which, often, go:

  • the digital rectal exam;
  • the analysis of the secretion and seminal fluid;
  • ultrasound of the prostate;
  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • a smear of the urethra.

How to cure prostatitis

How it manifests itself on the prostate and its treatment are the main topics of discussion in many international symposia and medical conferences. The scientific, simple doctors and medical experts each year trying to establish the most accurate of the symptoms of prostatitis, develop new drugs and prevention techniques. However, at this time classic of the range of treatment activities remains intact and includes:

  • appointment of antibacterial, antiviral drugs and immune modulators;
  • employment in relation to the sick of the apparatus of magnetic field, hirudotherapy, ultrasound and laser treatment;
  • course of massage of the prostate, which is aimed at strengthening the reproductive functions of the body and normalize blood flow in the microcirculation system.

Integral in the treatment of prostatitis often apply phyto-of the tool.

the treatment of prostatitis

The treatment of chronic prostatitis in men

Oh, but in no shape or medication by itself is not able to free themselves from the manifestations of the disease, and in addition completely eliminate the inflammation. Therefore, the treatment of the chronic prostatitis happens integrated schema, with the use of effective means of the following three groups:

  • Antibiotics – fluoroquinolones. The drugs of this series well penetrate into the soft tissue of the prostate and destroy most of the species of harmful microorganisms.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills. Manage the swelling of the prostate, improve circulation, relieve pain.
  • Alpha-blockers. They help to relax the bladder and urethra, facilitating the flow of urine.

In addition to this, medical therapy involves the use of a series of new medicines, the strengthening of the prostate: vitamins, enzymes, candles, adaptogens. The doctor may also order massage, simple physical therapy procedures or the healing of physical culture. All patients are assigned a special diet in fiber, which excludes the consumption of alcohol, tinned foods, fried foods, too sharp or salty foods.